We don't make mistakes; we just have happy accidents. - Bob Ross
This series of pots is exactly that, happy accidents. Continuing to form a pot that is off-center or partially collapsing generates an off kilter sculptural form that takes on a life of its own. Throwing them is difficult as they are unpredicable. There is a fine line from a beautiful, unique form to a pile of fallen clay. The window for stopping is very short. Every piece is a discovery.

Wobble #1: Mug - White clay, glazed with 2 coats of dark blue under glaze & 3 coats of pure brilliance
Wobble #5: Vortex - White clay, glazed with 3 coats mahogany brown underglaze and 2 coats clear pure brilliance
Wobble #2: Shot Glass - White clay, glazed with 3 coats of coral red underglaze & 3 coats of pure brilliance
Wobble #3: Bowl - White clay, glazed with 3 coats of yellow under glaze & 3 coats of pure brilliance
Wobble #8: Sider - White clay, glazed with Smokie gray
Wobble #6: Pitcher - White clay, glazed with 3 coats of lilac underglaze & 3 coats of pure brilliance
Wobble #7: Cup - White clay, glazed with 3 coats of green underglaze & 3 coats of pure brilliance
Wobble #4: Mug - White clay, glazed with 3 coats of turquoise underglaze & 3 coats of pure brilliance

Wobble #1: Mug

Wobble #2: Shot Glass

Wobble #5: Vortex

Copyright: Michael Finley
Created: Spring thur Fall 2016
Instructor: Mark Davies

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